May 15, 2024

While working hard on the upcoming card lists feature, we've introduced some quality of life improvements!

New all TCG region

First off, as some of you might have noticed already, you can now view cards from both the international and Japanese TCG at once! This applies to the following pages:

This updates makes it possible to have mixed international/Japanese card lists!

Improved expansion series navigation

When sorting expansions by their series, it's possible to jump directly to a specific series. However, the button for this feature was somewhat hidden and it wasn't intuitive to use.

That's why we've added a new navigation menu to the top of the expansions page!

Japanese Mask of Change expansion

We launched the Japanese Mask of Change expansion some time ago, but forgot to write a proper news post for it. You can view the card list here.

If you notice any errors, please let us know. Thanks!

If you have feedback regarding these updates, let us know. Thanks!